52词语>英语词典>rally around翻译和用法

rally around

英 [ˈræli əˈraʊnd]

美 [ˈræli əˈraʊnd]

团结支持; 集体声援


  • The key to the rally is that fears of a double-dip global recession have turned around over the past three months.
  • The rapid rise in the value of Chinese companies is partly due to a strong rally during August, when most other markets around the world have seen panic selling because of concerns about a credit crunch.
  • If he or she can articulate it well, others will rally around that vision and willingly sign up for the project.
  • We will count on you to rally around the show, to recruit new viewers with the same grass-roots energy, intensity and volume you have displayed in recent weeks.
  • We should strengthen the building of village-level supporting organizations which rally around village Party organizations.
  • Lawmakers began to rally around a sunset clause as a broader, more effective safeguard of the public's rights.
  • Thus did the forces of Old China seek to rally around their retired leader.
  • There are many reasons to suspect that the current equity rally is unsustainable not least in the US, where zombie banks and massively overleveraged consumers still stumble around the landscape.
  • I` m asking you to rally around a set of goals for your country. Goals in manufacturing, energy, education, national security, and the deficit.
  • The rally since March in global equities has been underpinned by the massive policy response from governments around the world.